Store permissions and how to use them

Thắng Nguyễn (MerchFox)

Last Update 4 mesi fa

If you have connected or created stores on Merchfox, you can assign permissions to log in separately from Stores. The steps are as follows:

1. After logging in to your account, access Store Connect and select Store to install

2. Select Edit then enter the information in the Store's email and Store's Password sections then select Save to save the information.

3. To log in using Store, please log in using the following link:

Log in with Store's Email and Store's Password created in step 2.

What are the advantages of decentralizing separate Stores?

- After logging in, you can create new orders, confirm orders, and review transactions.

- All orders placed from your own Store will only appear in your Store and on the main account. Other stores will not be able to read information from your own Store.

You can review the order creation instructions here:

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